Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Levels of HTML knowledge

Find where you are on the Levels of HTML knowledge list. Worth reading the CSS list too. Levels of HTML knowledge

It spans all the way from people who know next to nothing about it to those who know it well enough to write the actual HTML specifications.

The end of an era for Times New Roman?

Biggest story evah? er sort of... Office 2007 defaults to a new font. Not Times!

The end of an era for Times New Roman?:
Earlier this year, Microsoft released betas of Office 2007, and the first thing reviewers noticed, besides the new interface, was that Times New Roman had been deposed as the default font with something called . . . Calibri?

Introducing...the iPod VR!

MAKE: Blog: Introducing...the iPod VR!:
This is a bit on the Snowcrash side of Maker projects, but I wanted to see if the new iPod video would foster a new market for VR / LCD goggles. I have two types, one is meant for viewing video full screen, with both eyes - the other is a one screen LCD. Each has their uses with the iPod video and I may actually start using these on some trips when I don't feel like holding the iPod video the entire time watching a video...So, here are the photos of the iPod video, homemade battery extender, travel case and LCD goggles....

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Last Man Stands

Last Man Stands is an innovative new game of cricket that involves 8 players. All 8 wickets are needed to bowl a team out. When the seventh wicket falls, the Last Man Stands on his own).

A frankly shocking website but an interesting idea. A sort of Powerleague for Cricket. Seem to have quite a few games in south london.

Friday, May 26, 2006

If you like information graphs...

Then you'll love this:

Timeline of Trends and Events (1750 to 2100)

Where 2.0: Pixie Hunt

This sounds really cool:

O'Reilly Radar > Where 2.0: Pixie Hunt:
Pixie Hunt is a location-based, mobile game that is coming out of Microsoft and we are proud to have it debut at and kick-off our Where 2.0 Conference this year. We are going to be supporting 10 teams in this hunt. Each team is armed with a phone (from Cingular), a GPS puck, and a Flickr account. In the game, teams compete with each other to take pictures of certain tasks ('take a photo of your team with a stranger in a scarf', 'take a picture of a corgie', etc). As a team completes a task and uploads their proof (a photo) to Flickr, the other teams are all shown your work and they see your score incremented. Jordan Schwartz explains the game in more detail:

Time travel maps

Another geek project by - Maps that show travelling times

Cork'd wine review and sharing

I like the sound of that...
Cork'd - The simple way to review and share wine

Or how about this the entry for Heartland, Director's Cut 2002

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Amazing odyssey of airline passenger in French farce

Amazing odyssey of airline passenger in French farce:
An exhausted airline passenger was yesterday recovering from a nightmare journey from France that lasted more than 30 hours and took in two coaches, two aircraft and a taxi.

Google Co-op

Google Co-op

"Google Co-op is a platform which enables you to use your expertise to help other users find information. This is a work in progress. You can expect to see evolution in both the Co-op's structure and the platform's features. "

Girlfriend 6.0 vs. Wife 1.0

Geek humour
Girlfriend 6.0 vs. Wife 1.0: "Girlfriend 6.0 vs. Wife 1.0 a Comparative Trial"

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Google Notebook

Google Notebook: "Clip and collect information as you browse the web."

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Ticketmaster have decided to rip off everyone

Ticketmaster have decided that they've had enough of ebay selling their tickets at a profit and they're going to auction the tickets on their own site. No more touts?

Ticketmaster Auction Will Let Highest Bidder Set Concert Prices:
Three years after Ticketmaster introduced ticketFast, its online print-at-home ticketing service, consumers have so embraced it that the company now sells a half-million home-printed tickets for sporting and entertainment events each month in North America. Where ticketFast is available, 30 percent of tickets sold are now printed at home, said the company, which is by far the nation's largest ticket agency.

These idiots have produced adverts saying that global warming doesn't exist

Competitive Enterprise Institute:
The Competitive Enterprise Institute has produced two 60-second television spots focusing on the alleged global warming crisis and the calls by some environmental groups and politicians for reduced energy use. The ads are airing in 14 U.S. cities from May 18 to May 28, 2006.

Monday, May 22, 2006

A trailer for the Shining - re-cut as a romantic comedy!

This is very funny:

Shining Edit - Google Video: "Shining "

Why We Published the AT&T Docs

Wired News: Why We Published the AT&T Docs:
"A file detailing aspects of AT&T's alleged participation in the National Security Agency's warrantless domestic wiretap operation is sitting in a San Francisco courthouse. But the public cannot see it because, at AT&T's insistence, it remains under seal in court records."

And the document itself:

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Free remote access program

A completely free remote access program that is secure and fast and FREE. It does actually work really well.

Unrealised Moscow

Amazing drawings of buildings that were planned for Moscow but were never built.

Unrealised Moscow

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Tackling the big one

Scott Adams has finally asked the big question on his blog. Expect everything over there to go crazy from here on in. Scott has asked why America continues to support Israel financially.

Read the post because it is fantastic in its construction. But the gist is this: America gives Israel 1-3 billion dollars in Aid. Why? Israel has a GDP of 145 billion dollars so that the 1 billion doesn't really make a big difference to Israel. But it really upsets everyone else. So wouldn't it be better to stop and give the money to countries where they don't have 145 billion dollars. Amonst other things he suggests Darfur.

Scott really hasn't dissapointed yet. The best blog on the internet: Foreign Aid

Ofcom rethinks ban on iPod gadget

Ofcom rethinks ban on iPod gadget

Ofcom has said it is working with other regulators to draft an EU-wide standard on the use of a gadget which plays the output of Apple's iPods on FM radios.

Microsoft scientists pushing keyboard into the past

Microsoft scientists pushing keyboard into the past:
That is if you have a copy of a prototype program from Microsoft Research currently named The Wild Thing. The application, for cell phones and handhelds, essentially lets consumers conduct queries with abbreviations and truncated spellings of words, said its developer Bo Thiesson.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Don't donate... Inovate...

Kiva lets you loan as little as $25 to a qualified low income entrepreneur in the developing world.

Clerks 2 trailer

Picking up ten years after "Clerks" left off, "Clerks II" looks in on Dante and Randal's semi-new life (or lack thereof).

BBC R&D Mega-TiVo

O'Reilly Radar > BBC R&D Mega-TiVo

Apparently the BBC are developing a kind of web based TiVo which is much better than a regular TiVo.

Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing

Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing

Flickr has moved out of Beta... into Gamma!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

How Much Is That Browser in the Windows OS?

Subtraction: How Much Is That Browser in the Windows OS?
Software has a cost, no matter what anyone tells you, no matter even if it ships without a price tag of any kind.

Eddie Izzard interview

In the Indie Read today though before you have to pay. Apparently, Mrs Badcrumble is fine :)

Monday, May 15, 2006

take that google critics

A large percentage of the things people search for inside google scanned books are inside books which publishers no longer publish. Not really cutting into publishers sales then is it? In fact Tim O'Reilly suggests that it might help publishers identify which books to bring back into print thus making them more money not less.

Long Tail evidence from Safari and Google Book Search:
Last fall, I came to the defense of Google against lawsuits by the Author's Guild and Association of American Publishers, arguing that Google Book Search would help readers to rediscover works that were no longer commercially available. I pointed out, in fact, that only about 4% of all titles ever published are still being commercially exploited. (Kevin Kelly wrote a long report on the current state of book scanning initiatives in yesterday's New York Times Magazine.)

Plan UK

Plan UK:
When you purchase a gift for friends and family, not only will you be giving a really special present, you will also be helping improve the lives of children and their families in some of the world's poorest countries.

A Star Is Made

A Star Is Made: The freakonomics guys talking about talent:
"If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in next month's World Cup tournament, you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the later months. If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this quirk to be even more pronounced. On recent English teams, for instance, half of the elite teenage soccer players were born in January, February or March, with the other half spread out over the remaining 9 months. In Germany, 52 elite youth players were born in the first three months of the year, with just 4 players born in the last three."

The digested read | Jade: My Autobiography by Jade Goody

The digested read | Jade: My Autobiography by Jade Goody:
A Mariah Carey concert. Better even than East 17. Mariah throws me a big ball thing. Everyone thought I was going to be Mariah Carey when I went on Celebrity Stars in Their Eyes, but my agent told me to do Lynn Anderson instead (whoever she is), and I even went up to Cat Deeley and said, 'Tonight Matthew, I'm ... ' How braindead is that? But I won anyway. So I can do something, and sod the lot of you.

We'd be lost without Motty's unique insights

We'd be lost without Motty's unique insights:
As is well documented on other pages of this section, West Ham and Liverpool helped revive some of the venerable traditions of the FA Cup final on Saturday, notably that of the participants actually giving a stuff who wins it. The BBC, meanwhile, did its own bit for tradition, augmenting the artsy fartsy build-up we have come to expect on big-match days with an appearance in the studio by the celebrated vaudevillian Sir James Tarbuck, whose last Cup final day guest spot was in 1977.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Google Trends

Google Trends: "See what the world is searching for."

BBC revamps website search system

BBC revamps website search system:
The BBC has changed the way that net users can search across its news and sport websites and its programme webpages.

Haven't I heard this somewhere before...?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Ruth and Michelle: The Apprentice

Interview with them about being the last two.

ASBO slapped on Oxford Street preacher

ASBO slapped on Oxford Street preacher

He did get a bit annoying. Although in the context of OXford Street on a Saturday in July, it's all relative.

DNS Report

DNS Report

Useful stuff, I had no idea what all of it meant but Doug (of the Server) found loads of errors in his config which were making domains (including mine) take ages to resolve. Super.

The 'free' fairy story

The 'free' fairy story | The Register

I don't think Demon has a rubbish 'fair use'policy does it?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Boris Johnson vs Germany

Anyone fancy a movie argument?

Bad movies - like viruses, and politicians - must mutate and change guises in order to survive. Once we knew them by their cornball dialogue, poverty-row budgets and amateur-night acting. Increasingly, it seems, they have become harder and harder to spot.

Writing in today's Guardian, Stewart Lee ponders the shifting nature of that elusive beast, the Truly Awful Movie.

Good films that are really bad

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tracking personal information from a boarding pass

Scary stuff - Q. What could a boarding pass tell an identity fraudster about you? A. Way too much

Cup fan's £1m 'trauma' insurance

Cup fan's £1m 'trauma' insurance:
A football fan will get damages of �1m if England are knocked out of the World Cup early and he suffers trauma.

What were they thinking - dot com gone bust

The Best of the Worst:
The Internet spawned so many weird gizmos and bad business ideas that mocking dot-com duds became something of a sport in the post-bubble era. But some ideas still stand out for pure silliness. These are products and services that attracted lots of publicity -- and, in some cases, millions of dollars in funding -- before folding.

Bed Books, the revolutionary way to print books for comfortable reading in bed."

Bed Books, the revolutionary way to print books for comfortable reading in bed.":
The revolutionary way Bed Books are printed will enable you to lie in any comfortable position and hold the book at an angle that works best for you. You have to see, hold and read these unusual books

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Firefox plugin: Mouseless Browsing

Mouseless Browsing

I find this really useful when using Solveig's laptop* which has no mouse pad (just the little, er, nipple thing).

Each link/field/image (user-definable) is assigned a number and you type the number to visit the link. You can toggle it on and off (I use )


* Often in the kitchen, where a mouse might end up in the salad. know what I mean.

Controversy over The Bridge

Controversy over The Bridge (
One of the films premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival is The Bridge, a documentary by Eric Steel about suicide and the Golden Gate Bridge. The trailer is available on the festival site but be warned that it contains actual footage of people climbing over the railing of the bridge to commit suicide.

A fun Mac ad

Apple - Get a Mac - Watch The TV Ads